Metric English Conversion speaks to english metric conversion table, standard to metric conversion and metric conversion.
The United States is now the only country in the world that uses the imperial measure. Examples of such are ft, inches and quarts, gallons.
The attractiveness of the metric systems is everything is given to the power of 10 and are designated by given prefixes.
The conversion to the metric system of weights and measures is referred to as metrication. This has involved a long process of independent and systematic conversions of countries from various local systems of weights and measures.
Metrication began in France in the 1790s and spread widely during the following two centuries, to be the internationally dominating measurement system and legal standard. The process is sometimes called metrification.
Decimal numbers are an essential part of the metric system, with only one base unit and multiples created on the decimal base, the figures remain the same, simplifying calculation. Although the Indians used decimal numbers for mathematical computations, it was Simon Stevin who in 1585 first advocated the use of decimal numbers for everyday purposes in his booklet De Thiende (old Dutch for 'the tenth').
He also declared that it would only be a matter of time before decimal numbers were used for currencies and measurements. His notation for decimal fractions was clumsy, but was overcome by the introduction of the decimal point, generally attributed to Bartholomaeus Pitiscus who used this notation in his trigonometrical tables (1595).
Litres ----- Gallons
Kilograms ----- Pounds
Grams ----- Ounces
Metres ----- Yards
Square metres ----- Square feet
Cubic metres ----- Cubic yards
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